Review Film "Nico's Weg"

 Review Film "Nico's Weg" 

Deutsch lernen (A1): Ganzer Film auf Deutsch.

Hello everyone~

At this time I will discuss again or review the German films that I have watched before. The film is titled "Nico's Weg" which means "Nico's Away". This film was published by Deutsch lernen mit der DW on Youtube on March 15, 2019. The film is 1 hour 43 minutes and 40 seconds long.  Long enough, right?  

Actually this is a film series. And what I just watched is series one (A1) of the 3 available series.  Apart from the A1 series, there are also the A2 and B1 series. That's why the purpose of this film is actually to help people who are interested in learning German. So there are several series according to the level.

For a beginner like me, it might be suitable in the A1 film series, because this film uses simple German, and is easy for us to understand.  Apart from that this film also tells us about the culture, customs, and about the people there.  For my impression on this film is in the last paragraph.

 Ok, now we get to the film ~

The film begins with the showing of a foreign man from Spain named Nico.  He looks like he just arrived at a German airport.  Then he met a little girl.  The little girl greeted him in German and said that his bag was good.  Nico was Spanish, he didn't understand what the little girl said.  Then a woman took the little girl away from Nico.  

Nico continued his journey and instead met the little girl again outside the airport.  The girl seemed unable to blow her soap bubbles and Nico helped her.  Because it was great fun to play with the little girl, Nico didn't realize that the taxi driver took Nico's bag by accident.  The person looks  who order taxi was busy and doesn't pay attention to his surroundings, so he doesn't tell the driver what items he's carrying.

The driver did not know that it was not the customer's bag.  Nico panicked and shouted at the taxi carrying his bag.  She was really confused because all her important belongings were in the bag.  Moreover, the address and phone number of her aunt (the person Nico was going to meet at that time) were in her missing bag.

The little girl who had been playing with Nico with her aunt felt sorry for Nico's fate.  Finally they decided to help him.  The girl's aunt is Lisa and the little girl is Emma.  While in the car, Lisa calls her father, a police officer, to find out where Nico's aunt named Yara is.  Lisa's father is unable to help Nico due to a lack of information about Yara.  Luckily Nico brought a photo of his aunt and showed them.  After that, Lisa wanted Nico to help her to accommodate the apartment that was also occupied by Lisa's friend.

After arriving at the apartment, Lisa introduced Nico to his friends, Sebastian, Nina and Newin.  Newin will then move from there.  So they celebrate by eating pizza together.  In the evening, they have a party.  Nico met Marc from France, Sascha from Russia, Newin from Thailand, and Selma from Syren.  Nico can speak Spanish, a little English and a little Deutsch, Lisa can speak Deutsch, English and Italian but not very good, Newin can speak Thai, Chinese, English, Deutsch, French and Italian. After that, finally Nico found a bright spot.  Sebastian has great news for Nico.  Finally someone knows where the address of Yara bike shop.

In the morning, Lisa teaches her students a German language course.  Lisa promised Nico that she would take Nico to Yara's address after he finished teaching.  In Lisa's class, the topic is Articles in German.  In Lisa's class, many items have notes attached to the articles about these objects.  After that while on their way, Lisa and Nico playing guessing using German.  After arriving at the place according to Yara's address, unfortunately they didn't find anything.  Looks like someone gave the wrong address.  Finally Nico and Lisa had to go back to their apartment.

While at the bus stop, Lisa tells Nico that Nico, can no longer live in Lisa's friend's apartment because 2 days have passed.  The heater is broken, his friends, Sebastian, Nawin, Nina, and Lisa are going on vacation.  Nico said he would stay at the hotel, but Lisa was against it.  Because the hotel is too expensive for him.  Lisa then recommends Nico to stay at a hostel.  Besides that, Lisa has also contacted one of her friends.

Finally the person who was going to rent Newin's room has arrived.  But Sebastian and Newin don't like these few people.  Among the first, a man who was very dirty and untidy.  Then the next person looks like a rock guy.  After that other people also came, she really is a clean person.  But she is shocked after hearing that there is only 1 bathroom and they have to use it in turns.  So she decided not to choose that room to rent.  

When Nico is alone, Lisa takes him to Max and Tarek's restaurant.  They chat, Lisa tells Max and Tarek, how Nico is now.  But it seems like their conversation was overheard by Inge, a kind old woman.  Inge then offered Nico to stay at her house.  Nico was happy and Lisa agreed with that.

Shortly before Lisa and her friends left for vacation, Lisa's father finally found the address of Yara's shop.  They're very happy.  When they got there, unfortunately they didn't find Yara.  They asked Yara's friends, but they also didn't know where Yara was.  And it was decided that Nico should stay with Inge for a while until Yara returned.  While living with Inge anwaiting for Yara, Nico learns a lot about daily life in Germany.  Nico met Selma again while carrying his long lost bag.

Nico then checked all his belongings and found that he had lost some of his clothes.  So, Sema and Nico bought lots of clothes afterwards.  

And at one point, when Max and Nico were repairing bikes at Yara's workshop, Yara finally came back.  Yara was really shocked and ask why Nico was here, and the film was over ~

I really like this film, because I got to know new things in Germany.  Honestly, I feel jealous of Nico who can learn German so quickly just because his bag was lost and it took only a few days to mastered it.  Besides that, he can also make friends with many people there easily.  If it was me, it might took a few months haha.  Besides, at first I felt bored watching it.  But soon after that, I became more and more curious, and finally I didn't realize that I watched it until the end without my knowing it. After watching it, I finally felt the benefits. Anyway, I really helped.  Hopefully other friends can also helped like me haha.

Maybe that's enough for today, I'm so sorry if there are so many wrong sentences in this text, because my english is very bad ..

 Thank you ~
