Offers and Suggestions 1


Clara and Jenny: Hi Scarlet, would you like to do something with us this weekend?

Scarlet: Hmm... Sure! What shall we do?

Jenny: I don't know. Do you have any ideas? (ask to Clara)

Clara: Why don't we see a film?

Scarlet: That's sounds good to me. Which film shall we see?

Clara: Let's see... How about "Notice me Senpai?" (Laugh)

Jenny: I'd rather not. I don't really like romance film. How about horror film?

Scarlet: Yes! I'd love to. I really like horror film. 

Clara: Hmm.. OK, how about going to "The Creepy Scream?" I hear it's quite a creepy film.

Jenny: Then, let's go see that. When is it on?

Clara: It's on at 8 p.m. at the XXI Cinema. Shall we have a bite to eat together before the film?

Scarlet: Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Restaurant at Kenanga's street?

Jenny: Great idea! Let's meet there at 6.

Clara: OK. I'll see you guys at that Restaurant at 6. See you!

Scarlet: See you later guys!

Then they meet as promised. After they ate, they went to the XXI Cinema and ordered tickets. 

JennyWhat about something to drink guys?

Scarlet: That would be nice! Thanks for offering Jenn! Instead, I will buy you some popcorn. How about you Clar? Who are you going with?  Me or Jennie?

Clara: Umm.. I think I will go with Jenny. Because it seems like Jenny will have difficulty carrying 3 sodas by herself..

Jenny: Aww.. Thank you Clar! Then, we have to hurry, before the film starts..

Scarlet: OK, after buying some popcorn and a glass of sodas, We'll gathered again here. Ok?

Jenny and Clara: OK! Alright Captain! (Laugh)

And then, they gathered again and watch a horror film together.


Note: Sorry for my bad English >_<
