My Goal My Ambition


1. What I want for my future.

What I really want for now and forever is to make my parents happy, and pay them to Haji in Mekkah.

My next hope is that I want to be successful, both in this world and in the hereafter. I want to continue my study in ITB, then continue my Masters (S2) and then Doctorate (S3) in Germany or in Japan. Then, I want to be a lecturer who teaches at ITB (Dosen). Don't forget, I also want to be a Hafidzah.

2. My Passions.

My passions is in science. I like things related to math and chemistry. I like it doesn't mean I master it haha. I found that studying is fun. Especially if there is a difficult question then I can solve it, I will be proud of myself :) Well, even though the questions in SMA 3 are all difficult 😅

3. My Talents and strengths.

People say that my talent is in art. Because I really like drawing. But I never even thought about continuing to study in the arts. I just think of drawing as just a hobby to help relieve my stress. Apart from drawing, I also like to make something creative. Such as wooden rickshaws, hats made of straws, and others related to art, except music. I really hate music because I'm tone deaf.

4. Activities that I do.

My daily activities are studying, helping parents, resting, drawing, and eating. Sometimes I usually receive a drawing order, like caricature or calligraphy. When I was in junior high school, I also worked part time as a tutor for elementary school children. But now I quit because I have to focus on studying for myself.

5. How I pursue and what efforts I have done to achieve my ambition.

The efforts that I have done are;  I study every day until the midnight, don't forget to always help my parents, and worship Allah such as; fasting the sunnah Monday - Thursday (Puasa Senin Kamis), praying at midnight (Tahajud) praying Dhuha, and memorizing Al-Quran.

 6. What achievements I have got that make me proud.

I have over 20 trophies in my home. From a young age, I liked to take part in competitions. Besides, during elementary school for 6 consecutive years I was ranked 1st in the class. I like to participate in any competition.

When I was in elementary school, I won a drawing competition until I got a mattress, then a poetry competition to get money, an Olympic competition, storytelling and so on.  When I entered junior high school, I also participated and won several more competitions, such as city-level first place calligraphy, provincial-level top 100 at making comics, second place provincial quiz (Cerdas Cermat), and others.

But when I entered high school, I decided to focus on studying, not participating in competitions. I hope that everything I do can produce satisfying results.

Maybe that's all for today. I'm sorry if there are a lot of wrong words, because my English is really bad :') 
Thank you 🙏


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